We Don’t Have MongoDB – is CouchDB OK?

'It can't be helped,' the saddlebum said. 'What's happened is, you've overloaded your analogizing faculty, thereby blowing a fuse. Accordingly, your perceptions have taken up the task of experimental normalization. This state is known as "metaphoric deformation"'.   Robert Sheckley, "Mind Swap", 1966. One of the Sci-Fi books that left a deep impression on my young mind was... Continue Reading →

Of Mice and Men

The best laid schemes of mice and men Often go awry. Robert Burns, 1785. Dear readers of this blog, you may have noticed a lapse in the rhythm that I faithfully followed from the very beginning (a new post every Tuesday, more recently switching to Monday). You may have inferred that I am 'recharging', away... Continue Reading →

Sitting on the Node.js Fence

I am a long standing fan of Garrison Keillor and his Prairie Home Companion. I fondly remember a Saturday in which he delivered his widely popular News From Lake Wobegon, and that contained the following conundrum: "Is ambivalence a bad thing? Well, yes and no". It also accurately explains my feeling towards Node.js and the exploding... Continue Reading →

Making Gourmet Pizza in the Cloud

A while ago I had lunch with my wife in a Toronto midtown restaurant called "Grazie". As I was perusing the menu, a small rectangle at the bottom attracted my attention. It read: We strongly discourage substitutions. The various ingredients have been selected to complement each other. Substitutions will undermine the desired effect of the... Continue Reading →

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