HA All The Things

I hate HA (High Availability). Today everything has to be highly available. All of the sudden SA (Standard Availability) isn't cutting it any more. Case in point: I used to listen to music on my way to work. Not any more - my morning meeting schedule intrudes into my ride, forcing me to participate in... Continue Reading →

Socket.io: Mind the Gap

Welcome to our regular edition of 'Socket.io version 1.0 watch' or 'Making sure Guillermo Rauch is busy working on Socket.io 1.0 instead of whatever he does to pay the rent that does nothing for me'. I am happy to inform you that Socket.io 1.0 is now available, with the new logo and everything. Nice job!... Continue Reading →

SoundCloud is Reading My Mind

“Bad artists copy. Good artists steal.” - Pablo Picasso It was bound to happen. In the ultra-connected world, things are bound to feed off of each other, eventually erasing differences, equalizing any differential in electric potentials between any two points. No wonder the weirdest animals can be found on islands (I am looking at you, Australia).... Continue Reading →

The Queue Is the Message

The title of this post is a paraphrase of the famous Marshal McLuhan's 'The medium is the message', meant to imply that the medium that carries the message also embeds itself into the message, creating a symbiotic relationship with it. Of course, as I write this, I half-expect a ghost of Mr. Marshal to appear... Continue Reading →

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