Micro-Services – Fad, FUD, Fo, Fum

The Triumph of Death, Pieter Bruegel, 1562
The Triumph of Death, Pieter Bruegel, 1562

But band leader Johnny Rotten didn’t sell out in the way that you’re thinking. He didn’t start as a rebellious kid and tone it down so he could cash in. No, Rotten did the exact opposite — his punk rebelliousness was selling out.

[…] And he definitely wasn’t interested in defining an entire movement.

From 5 artistic geniuses who only became great after selling out

We all intrinsically know that internet cycle is shortening, but what is happening these days with micro-services is bordering on ridiculous. But let’s start from another cycle that is now circling the mortal coil on an ever shorter leash – the Agile movement. Let’s hear it from @pragdave (one of the founding fathers) himself:

Ignoring the typo in the tweet (Dave Thomas obviously meant ‘word’, not ‘work’), this is a familiar story that starts with enthusiasm and fervor of a few ‘founding fathers’ (you can see them artistically blurred in comfortable pants). But before you know it (and in this case ‘before you know it’ takes a span of 13 years), the idea is distorted, commercialized, turned into professional certifications, turned into a rigid religion, and essentially morphed into an abomination barely recognizable to the said founding fathers. The Agile Manifesto defined good practices ‘in the left column’ to combat bad practices ‘in the right column’, yet Dave founds the reality steadily creating ‘agile’ practices that are hard to distinguish from the very things the original movement was raising against.

He who is bitten by a snake fears a lizard.

East African proverb

If you read so far, you are still waiting to see the connection to micro-services. There seems to be a micro-service bubble in formation, inflated by a steady stream of articles in the last couple of months. I have written recently about it, but it bears repeating.

The term itself entered my consciousness during the NodeDay 2014, thanks to great presentations of Ian Livingstone and Richard Roger (both the slides and videos are now available). It followed by an epic 7-episode miniseries by Martin Fowler, only to be challenged to a post-off with an alternative article).

Not to be outdone, Adrian Rossouw published the first article in a series (what is it with micro-services that makes people think they write copy for HBO?), and he brought the parabola of monkeys into the mix. He also expressed concerns that micro-services may not be the best solution in some contexts (client side – duh, I don’t even know how to make browsers run multiple processes even if I wanted to; but also REST APIs, which I completely disagree – in fact, they map perfectly into a system API, where each micro-service can handle a group of API endpoints, nicely routed to by a proxy such as NGINX).

Finally, Russ Miles collapsed 13 years of Agile journey into a Janus-like post that declares a tongue-in-cheek Micro-Services Manifesto. In addition to the real-fake manifesto with signatures (something Nicholas Cage could search for in his next movie), he proposed an official mascot for the movement – Chlamidia bacteria (not a virus, Russ, and you don’t want to contract it):

Chlamidia bacteria
Chlamidia bacteria – a microbial mascot for micro-services

The moral of this timeline? It definitely took us way less than 13 years to get from excited to jaded – about three months, I think. We should all back off a bit and see why the micro-services came to being before declaring another ‘Triumph of Death’.

On Premise Systems – Driver Analogy

Before the cloud, most of the enterprise software was meant to be installed on premise i.e. on customers’ computers, managed by their own administrators. A good analogy here is creating a car for consumers. While a modern car has hundreds of systems and moving parts, this complexity needs to be abstracted out for the average driver. Drivers just want to enter the car, turn on the key and drive away (North American drivers don’t even want to be bothered to shift gears, to the horror and loathing of their European brethren).

By this analogy, monolithic on premise software is good – it is easy to install, start and stop (I said ‘easy’, not ‘fast’). When a new version arrives, it is stopped, updated and started again in a previously announced ‘maintenance window’. The car analogy holds – nobody replaces catalytic converter while hurling down the highway at 120km/h (this is Canada, eh – we hurl down the highway in the metric system). This operation requires service ‘downtime’.

Cloud Systems – Passenger Analogy

With cloud systems, complexity is not a problem because somebody else is driving. Therefore, it does not matter if you cannot do it as long as your driver knows how to operate the velocitator and deceleratrix. What you do expect is that the driver is always available – you expect no downtime, even for service and repairs. That means that the driver needs to plan for maintenance while you are in a meeting or sleeping or otherwise not needing the car. He may need to involve his twin brother to drive you in an identical car while the other one is in service. You don’t care – as far as you are concerned, the system is ‘always on’.

What does this means for our cloud system? It means that monolithic application is actually hurting our ‘always on’ goal. It is a bear to cluster, scale, and keep on all the time because it take so long to build, deploy, start and stop. In addition, you need to stop everything to tweak a single word in a single page.

Enter micro-services, or whatever practitioners called them before we gave them that name. Cutting the monolith into smaller chunks is just good common sense. It adds complexity and more moving parts, but with redundant systems and controlled network latency, the overhead is worth it. Moreover, in a passenger analogy the added complexity is ‘invisible’ because it is the driver’s problem, not yours. It remains the implementation detail of a hosted system.

With micro-services, we can surgically update a feature without affecting the rest of the system. We can beef up (cluster) a feature because it is popular without the need to needlessly cluster all other features that do not receive as much traffic. We can rewrite a service without committing to rewrite the entire monolith (which rarely happens). And thanks to DevOps and all the automation, we can deploy hundred times a day, and then monitor all the services in real time, through various monitoring and analytics software.

Before we called it ‘micro-services’, Amazon called it services built by two pizza teams. We also had SOA, although they were more about reusable services put into catalogs then breaking down a hosted the system into manageable chunks without grand aspirations of reusability.

The thing is – I don’t care how we call it. I don’t even care if we come up with a set of rules to live by (in fact, some may hurt – what if I cannot fit a micro-service into 100 lines of code; did I fail, will I be kicked out of the fraternity). There is a need for decomposing a large hosted system into smaller bits that are easier to manage, cluster and independently evolve. We probably should not call it after a nasty STD or monkeys as suggested, but in the end, the need will survive the movement and the inevitable corruption and sell out.

If you are writing a cloud-based app these days, and through trial and error discovered that you are better off breaking it down into several independent services with a strong contract, communicating through some kind of a pub/sub messaging system, you just backed into micro-services without even knowing.

In the end, while ‘Agile’ was declared dead by a founding father, ‘Agility’ lives on and is as needed as ever. Here is hoping that if we manage to kill the the micro-service movement somehow (and in a much shorter time), the need for composable hosted systems where parts independently evolve will live on.

That’s the kind of afterlife I can believe in. That and the one by Arcade Fire.

 © Dejan Glozic, 2014

6 thoughts on “Micro-Services – Fad, FUD, Fo, Fum

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  1. It’s really sad I didn’t know about this article when I first compiled the Field Guide to MicroServices for April 2014. Fixed now.


    That’s what became of the second article in the series btw. I realized that the tone shifted so drastically after torturing metaphorical monkeys, that nobody would stick around for 2 pages of links with dry commentary.

    I can’t say the monkeys are doing any better though. I’ve gotten an illustrator …

    1. Adrian, I saw the article and was sad that mine was not listed, but it looks like you fixed it now so not sad any more :-). Thanks for pushing for this compilation.


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